This weekend was the "No Frills Just Fun Crop" at the Ladybug Lodge. Well, I took advantage of many hours of cropping even though I have not felt very good...I just could not give up a few hours to get some much needed personal cropping done. I will be having a few tests run this month and next and hopefully they can figure something out. Please say a few prayers that it is nothing serious, many of you know how nervous I can be, so right now I am alot nervous!

This layout is long over due! I am almost finished with out ski trip. It's nice to have an album almost complete! Good feeling! But very hard to finish these layouts with no new snow embellishments!

This picture does this layout no justice! The colors are so vibrant! Thanks Paula for helping me decide what papers to go with! I even silohetted (sp?) some balloon pictures and made them part of my clusters of embellishment...and yes silohetting is so against all my scrapbooking beliefs (LOL)!

This layout was full of techniques. Masking with inkpots, stamping, IRocking, and rub-ons. It inspired a few others, and I actually saw a few completed layouts with different papers being used.

This is just a peek of one of my ski layouts. I actually got the chipboard in Janet's garage sale for hardly anything and then I covered it with the new Tim Holtz tape and crackle paint...gorgeous!

This is a "Connie Layout," she even gave me some beautiful feathers to add to it and to give it her signature touch!

I hope you enjoyed all of my creations. I still have so much to catch up on, so much to do for others and Scrapfest and the TM store opening is coming up soon...oh and did I mention I start back at my "real" job this week. Did I also mention I don't have time to feel rotten? Well, I don' please send me some feel good vibes to a sick feeling young chick! Oh, well not so young- will be turning 38 this month! I may not be posting for a few weeks, but I will return once things settle down!