Sunday, February 22, 2009

Please Pray

To all my fellow scrapbookers...this is the time that I need to ask that you all pray for my brother. Last night he was in a terrible car accident and was flown to Hermann Memorial. He is in critical but stable condition. We did find out that he has broken his jaw (which they have already done surgery on this) he has broken ribs, a lacerated liver and head trauma. He is in a drug induced coma, which I don't know much about. All else looks okay, no spine or neck injury. I was leaving for a ski trip today, but not quite certain to what is going to happen. I will be without a computer for aleast a week...but I ask that you all pray for him and that God takes care of him and especially my mom and dad during this time.


Tina said...


I have your brother and family in my prayers and thoughts.

Wendy said...

I went last night to see him. He looked really bad. He was moving one hand and his feet. Today he was npt doing this. It is not good, so please cont. To pray. Thank you all. Wendy

Heather Bares said...

Wendy you and your family are in my thoughts.

christie Trahan said...

We will all say an extra prayer tonight for your brother... And you and your family will be on my mind. Let me know if I can help in any way.
Love Ya